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Follow these steps to delete your Liquid Metal workload cluster and reset your Liquid Metal platform environment.

Delete the Liquid Metal workload cluster


Do not delete a CAPI-created workload cluster with kubectl delete -f cluster.yaml.

Delete the cluster using kubectl and the cluster name:

kubectl delete cluster $CLUSTER_NAME

This may take a moment as the CAPMVM controller reconciles all the MicroVMs.

Output: "lm-demo" deleted

Stop the management cluster

Use kind to delete the cluster:

kind delete cluster --name lm-management

Stop flintlockd

Use systemctl to stop and disable the service:

sudo systemctl stop flintlockd.service
sudo systemctl disable flintlockd.service

Remove the service file:

sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/flintlockd.service

Reload the daemon:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Check that the service is no longer there:

systemctl status flintlockd.service


Unit flintlockd.service could not be found.

Stop containerd

Use systemctl to stop and disable the service:

sudo systemctl stop containerd-dev.service
sudo systemctl disable containerd-dev.service

Remove the service file:

sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/containerd-dev.service

Reload the daemon:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Check that the service is no longer there:

systemctl status containerd-dev.service


Unit containerd-dev.service could not be found.

Clean up devpools

Use the dmsetup command to remove any leftover thin devices:

sudo dmsetup ls | awk '/flintlock/ {print $1}' | xargs sudo dmsetup remove -f

The above command filters for devices matching flintlock. If you use device-mapper to manage other devices, and are abundantly cautious you may want, to remove flintlock- devices individually.

Verify that all have been cleared:

sudo dmsetup ls


No devices found

Detach the loop devices:

losetup | awk '/containerd-dev/ {print $1}' | xargs -I {} sudo losetup -d {}

Delete the sparse files:

sudo rm /var/lib/containerd-dev/snapshotter/devmapper/{data,metadata}

Remove the virtual network, bridge and tap device

Use virsh to destroy and undefine the network:

sudo virsh net-destroy liquid-metal
sudo virsh net-undefine liquid-metal

Check that it is no longer there:

virsh net-list


 Name       State    Autostart   Persistent
default active yes yes

Bring the tap down and delete it:

sudo ip link set tap0 down
sudo ip link delete tap0

Verify that the tap and bridge are gone:

ip link show tap0
ip link show lmbr0

Both should return:

Device "X" does not exist.

Clean up files

Remove any leftover files or directories:

sudo rm -rf \
/var/lib/containerd-dev \
/run/containerd-dev \
/etc/containerd/config-dev.toml \
/etc/opt/flintlockd \