OSX instructions
Extra steps Mac users must take for this tutorial.
This page only needs to be read by OSX users. Linux users can ignore and move to the next page.
In order to complete this tutorial you will need a Linux machine. You can either get a small server from a Cloud Provider (I believe most have free tiers), or you can use a virtual machine.
Here we will use Vagrant and VirtualBox.
Install both these tools, create a new working directory, and fetch the tutorial
mkdir lm-tutorial
cd !$
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/weaveworks-liquidmetal/flintlock/main/Vagrantfile
Start the machine:
vagrant up
This may take some time. Once the command has completed, SSH into your new virtual machine:
vagrant ssh
You will need complete the rest of the tutorial from within this VM.
Once you are finished with the tutorial, you can delete the VM with vagrant destroy